Religion and Schools

The Issue

1st Amendment

As I read my first Podcast and the 1st amendment I can see where there is a loophole in the 1948 ruling against School and teaching religion


March 8, 1948

March 8,1948 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 8-1 against the children and the country by saying it was unconstitutional to teach religion in schools. This is in violation of the 1st amendments clause “prohibiting the free exercise thereof”!

So we can change

The 1948 ruling against our children

“Prohibiting the free exercise thereof”! means that we have the God given right to worship where we want to. That means in a classroom. it also means that we can have pastors, priests, lay ministers come instruct us in the ways of worshiping.

What it will take


Religion and schools, as long as there are tests, (and that is in danger and doubt), there will be prayers. What will it take to get this before the High Court again so now that there is close to a conservative majority. One thing for sure it will take MONEY and lots of it. Plus a great conservative lawyer to take the case, however, we will have to lose several times in lower courts first. Then we will have to convince the Supreme Court to hear the case. This will take years to get done. I wonder who will read this.

School & Religion

It works for all

It works for all of us. Our children win by learning about God, and all the good that comes just from that. If we are teaching about religion, (all Religions), we are teaching them history from the beginning. Adults win by starting to learn from their children about God and the Jesus as well as other views about God by other names if we teach other faiths and religions such as Islam, Hindu.

What next

How do we proceed

I don’t have clue as to how we proceed. I am just a poor old man with to much time to think. However, it appears to me that I am right, SCOTUS was wrong in 1948 ruling. They did not take into account that last part. It is the same as the 2nd amendment they miss the last part, the last 5 words of the 1st amendment which say “prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. And the last four of the 2nd amendment which says, ” shall not be infringed”! Someday I know that it will change. I just pray I am alive to see it.

By Dale

I am a retired Substance Abuse Counselor. I want to show how history is still relevant and affecting the country today.

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