Welcome to Coffee Time Again. We are here to inform the public and you about how history is affecting us today. The first five of our soon to be published Podcasts will be on the Bill of Rights, or the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. Because this will show how we are losing our rights to the Left and the Socialist.


Coffee Time Again

How we are losing the battles, though with due diligence. We can win the War against the ones who want to destroy our way of life and change us into a “Democratic Socialist” country. Don’t believe me, just listen to the candidates for the Democratic Socialist Party for president. Everyone wants to abolish in one way or another our 2nd Amendment right.

The Second Amendment states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The last four works are the most important in my opinion. Everyone running for president on the DSP side has a “plan” to take away your guns. History has shown us that when you disarm the public they are ripe to be slaughtered. Again read your history of the USSR, China, Cuba, Cambodia and most recently Venezuela! Plus there is the danger and it is real as this quote from Vladimir Lenin in 1911 says. “The goal of Socialism is Communism” illustrates.


Part Two

Coffee Time Again

We can win this War in a couple ways. I am a strong supporter of the Article 5 convention also known as The Convention of the States. Article 5 of the Constitution provides two way to amend the Constitution. One is for Congress to propose an amendment. It will take 3/4 of the states to ratify it before it can become law. this is way it has been done 28 times. in the history of our nation. The other is for 2/3 of the State legislatures to pass a bill requesting a COS. The governor of the states do not have to sign the bill. Again it takes 3/4 of the states to ratify the amendments from the COS to become law. With 50 states 2/3 is 34 states to call for a COS, and 38 to ratify, (if my math is correct).

Another way for us to band together as we did in 2010 with the Tea Party, and throw the Bums out of office. I am a believer in term limits, (part of the COS agenda). I think that two six year terms for Senators. 6 two year terms for the House of Representatives. That would mean 12 years for each of the two chambers of Congress enough time to learn the “ropes” and not enough to become too corrupted.

A third way to help win the War, as much as I hate more Federal Regulations, is to pass some form of regulations on the Lobbyists in Washington District of Corruption. I am in favor of outlawing them altogether.

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