Make Believe Pandemic

MAKE BELIEVE PANDEMIC Is it REAl or Memorex Make Believe Pandemic! Are we really in a world wide pandemic or is it just a worldwide political joke? I have seen some numbers on the number of cases confirmed and it just does not seem to match up with the numbers of the population. Same with… Continue reading Make Believe Pandemic


The Truth As I see it What is Socialism? Well it is a form of government that is without question, however what form. noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Oxford Dictionary… Continue reading Socialism


Winning/Losing Is it everything? Winning is it really everything or is there more to life than that? I wonder myself if I need to “Win” every time of can I “lose” once in a while? What is losing anyway? For that matter what is “Winning”? YES/NO Maybe? Yes/no/maybe? when are they important? Are they ever… Continue reading WINNING/LOSING

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