GIVE UP !! Are we? Are we giving up on the right? I wonder sometimes when I decide to watch the news on TV. Or when I read my all my news feeds about who is saying when on either side. Don’t get a lot of news from the Right just a lot of noise… Continue reading Give Up
National Guard
National Guard Our Community The Army National Guard began on December 13, 1636, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized three militia regiments to defend against the growing threat of the Pequot Indians. Today, the Army National Guard continues its historic mission of providing defense for the nation. So we see the National Guard has been around for a very… Continue reading National Guard
Crime and Aliens
Crime and Aliens What is the truth Just what is the truth about Crime and Aliens? If you cross the border, North, South, East, West. If you arrive from the air, sea, land. It does not matter the law is clear if you come to America without a passport or Visa you are in violation… Continue reading Crime and Aliens
Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights Going Away? The Bill of Rights also known as the first 10 amendments to the constitution. Because of the fact that it lists things the government can not do often call the List of Negative Amendments. I have 5 podcasts ready to go on each of the 10 amendments. History Lesson Short… Continue reading Bill of Rights
Religion and Schools
The Issue 1st Amendment As I read my first Podcast and the 1st amendment I can see where there is a loophole in the 1948 ruling against School and teaching religion Wrong March 8, 1948 March 8,1948 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 8-1 against the children and the country by saying it… Continue reading Religion and Schools
Honesty/Loyalty What is it Honesty/Loyalty just what does that mean. Here is what “” has to say about honesty: Many children think honesty means you “don’t tell a lie”– and that is definitely part of being honest. But honesty means more than not lying. A more complete definition of honesty shows that an honest person doesn’t do things that are morally wrong”. Here is… Continue reading Honesty/Loyalty
What it is and what it is not What IS spiritually anyway? Well to me it is a deep connection with what members of Alcoholics Anonymous call a “Higher Power”. Which means nothing to me now, though at one time it did. I am a recovered alcoholic with over 30 years sober time, so I… Continue reading Spiritually
The Truth As I see it What is Socialism? Well it is a form of government that is without question, however what form. noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Oxford Dictionary… Continue reading Socialism
Winning/Losing Is it everything? Winning is it really everything or is there more to life than that? I wonder myself if I need to “Win” every time of can I “lose” once in a while? What is losing anyway? For that matter what is “Winning”? YES/NO Maybe? Yes/no/maybe? when are they important? Are they ever… Continue reading WINNING/LOSING
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Money? The question is what are minimum wages, and why do we have them and do we need them? At what cost do we pay for minimum wages? Is it worth the cost? The national minimum wage is now $7.25 per hour, and several states and cites have their own minimum wage and… Continue reading Minimum Wage