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Martin Theis
In Martins own words: “I live with purpose and incorporate a strong set of values that are the result of my journey and experiences. My life is a statement of being of service to others and of making the planet a better place to live for. That sums up Martin very well”.
I told him that I will include this in the show notes. “A purpose drive life: by Rick Warren”. A wonderful book that can be found almost any place you purchase books, a must read for any one in my opinion.
Thank you for listening to the show. There are show notes and a place to comment here. I hope that you liked what you heard and will tell others about me. I am attempting to get a following that both disagrees and agrees with me. I do not want “yes” men. If you disagree wonderful, I am happy to have you here as a part to of The Coffee Time Again team. I do not talk about the “news” of the day, I am attempting to give a history lesson that is just as important about what is going on in the headlines of the day. Please do not hesitate to contact me, just remember that I want a “Clean” show meaning no cussing, name calling, yelling or hate allowed. You can disagree with him and not be disagreeable about it.
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